Know God More

A Library Of Resources For Spiritual Growth

God as Infinite

The children in Tennyson’s hospital and the distracted lover in Blackmore’s leafy lane failed to recognize the essential difference between immensity and infinity. The former has limits, the latter has none. If the Creator of the Universe is not only immense but infinite, then no stick or stone in the solar system can lie beyond his cognizance, no sparrow can fall to the ground without his notice. George Macdonald used to say that, unless the very hairs of one’s head are numbered, there is no God. It is vital, in these days, that all men should feel that, on the highest plane, the individual is never lost in the crowd; the forest is never allowed to obscure the trees.

The Last Milestone - F.W. Boreham

All quotes are randomly selected from our Topical Quotes Treasury using this schedule.

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