
The End Of A Long Campaign

Mike Focht 9/27/2024

The Scriptures have much to say to our noble grey fathers who have long under-shepherded the Chief Shepherd’s flock. Paul exhorted a compatriot saying: Take heed to the ministry which you have received in the Lord, that you may fulfill it.

   Having a ministry is one thing. Fulfilling it is another. There are dangers and temptations particular to the end of a long, well-fought campaign. Satan doesn’t allow the soldiers of God an easy exit from the battlegrounds of this world. In fact, the Word of God shows us he has strategized some of his most significant victories just before the end.

   David, apparently weary of fighting battles, remained home when the other kings went out to war, and we know the infamous outcome of that indolent decision.
   Solomon, in his old age, calloused with the truth that defined and blessed his youth, turns to look for satisfaction in lovers and idols.
   Asa, fearful of tarnishing his sterling legacy with the honesty of repentance, dies abusing his people, imprisoning God’s prophet, and ignoring the King of Kings.
   Jehoshaphat, indiscreet because of his accumulated strength, ignorantly sought to align with the designs of the wicked and ungodly.
   Joash, a miracle of grace, lost his way when he lost Jehoiada, his godly mentor.
   Uzziah, a strong and majestic king, feels entitlement to holy things cleansed by the blood of the lamb, and is stricken by God.
   Hezekiah, faithfully leaned on God for years, but in the mercifully extended years of his life, took pride in God’s riches as if they were his own. He touched the glory.

   Many others could be named. Each and everyone, an aged and seasoned king, or priest, or man of God. Each and every one we will see in heaven one day. All, having served God long and well, were beaten in an important battle near the end of their lives. I have seen the like in my lifetime, and I do not doubt that you have seen the same.  

   Every veteran in the prolonged spiritual warfare of this life needs to remain vigilant, for, like the ancient kings of Judah, pressures new and old will multiply alongside your faithful years. Like Dante’s slavering she-wolf, these satanic predators will follow parallel to the aging path of your successes, flittering through the trees and hounding the edges of your vision and consciousness. They will not attack in your strength. Only when you are weak and tired.

   Beware of the dangerous influence of these predators. They are patient and careful. They are as old as Asa, Jehoshaphat, Uzziah, and Hezekiah, whom they hunted before you. The trailing wolf pack will wait through the years of your strength, following your scent until the labor of life and the blessings of multiple victories bring about a moment of weakness and surrender. They will sink their teeth into your pride and weariness in that fatal moment.

   Take heed that your pace doesn’t slow as the finish line approaches! Stay alert. Stay sober. Stay prayerful and outfitted in the armor of light. Stay close to the Good Shepherd. Keep your eyes and hearts upon God’s Word and Paul’s ministerial charge. The younger men who follow your lead desperately want examples in finishing well.

   Strategically complex warfare is ahead of you, my elder brothers. Do not grow weary of the press. Do not grow weary in well-doing. Do not grow embittered in the self-surrender of love. Do not grow prideful because you have plowed long, straight furrows in His fields. You have been faithful in what God has put into your hands. Now be faithful when He asks you to give it back piece by piece. Listen well to that still, small voice and remember well the One who called you, counted you faithful, and placed you into the ministry.

   You will hear from Him alone, Well done, my good and faithful servant. You will receive the crown of glory that does not fade away directly from Him. Make sure that you do not lose His voice among others—even your own.

   My sincere prayer is that all my older brothers, those veterans of battle with the serpent and lion, would continue to feed the flock of God and sheath their sword only when they surrender it to the One who placed it into their hand. If, by the grace of God, you do so, I and all those filling the ranks behind will be greatly encouraged to do the same.