Mike Focht 12/27/2024
Therefore I say to you, her sins, which are many, are forgiven, for she loved much. But to whom little is forgiven, the same loves little. Then He said to her, “Your sins are forgiven.”
Luke 7:47-48
Here, we find Jesus in the house of Simon the Pharisee. During the meal, a woman who is an infamous sinner—most likely a prostitute—begins to shower Jesus in her tears, kiss His feet, wipe His feet with her hair, and anoint Him with oil. The Pharisee thinks negatively of both Jesus and the woman. In response, because Jesus loves Simon and the woman, He teaches them about love and forgiveness.
There is much to learn in this beautiful section of Scripture. Especially for those—like this woman—who know they have lived in terrible sin. The great sinner comes to know that Jesus is fully aware their sins are many, and yet, still forgives sin. Jesus doesn’t turn away from our sin, or pretend it isn’t as dark as it is. Jesus confronts our sin head-on. He alone has the science to measure the depths of our wickedness. For Him, the complications of salvation have been solved. That is why the Bible teaches us that Jesus’ love and forgiveness are superior to our sin, not ignorant of it.
Simon assumes that Jesus would have nothing to do with this woman if He was familiar with her sin. Little does he know that Jesus is more familiar with her sin than he could possibly imagine. Jesus does not dispute the fact that this woman is a great sinner. Notice what Jesus says: Her sins, which are many, are forgiven.
When someone knows they are a great sinner, it does not help them to explain their sin away. Excuses and justifications will bring no peace to the convicted soul. Great sinners like this woman find joy when they discover Jesus is the Great Savior. The astounding fact that gives peace to the condemned heart is Jesus knows their sin fully, and still, His love is superior to their sin. This is why Jesus sent her away, saying, Go in peace.
If you are a great sinner and long to come to Jesus and love Him, then come with the same faith as this sinful woman and pour your heart and love at His feet. Let your testimony also be: this woman has not ceased to kiss My feet since the time I came in. Pharisees may try to keep you from Him, but Jesus already knows you are a great sinner, and His love is superior to your sin. Satan will try to convince you that Jesus’ forgiveness cannot cover your sin because your sin goes deeper and farther than He knows. Do not despair in coming to Jesus. His love is superior to your sins no matter how many. He alone can look at us, fully aware of all the darkness, evil, and destruction of our sin, and still say, Your faith has saved you. Go in peace.